For authors

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.


Submit a manuscript

We ask authors to submit articles using the template:

Template download

Scientific articles undergo the following review process:

  1. Editorial Committee assesses an article as to its material and formal content.
  2. Two independent reviewers outside the University of Economics in Wrocław make a review with respect to the following rules:
    • author and reviewers do not know identities of each other (double-blind review process),
    • review is written on the review form,
    • article assessment is expressed in points,
    • review is concluded unambiguously if an article can be published in the journal.
  3. Editorial Committee decides if an article will be published in a given issue of the journal.

Information for authors

  1. An article should be accompanied by:
    • summaries in Polish and English (consisting of 1500 characters with spaces – about 250 words – each and that read separately from the rest of work inform about its content. They should contain such elements as: formulation of research purpose, identification of study object, essence of applied method and the most important results and conclusions),
    • keywords (from 3 to 5) in Polish and English language,
    • titles of tables and figures in Polish and English language.
  2. By submitting an article, authors agree to the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0 license. All new works are published under this license.

Publication fee in 2022 and in 2023

  • PLN 369 (300 + 23% VAT) for articles up to 32 000 characters long (13 pages).
  • Additional PLN 50 per each page going over this limit.

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