Search results for query: Bogołębska

  1. Financial strategy and the process of the internationalization of enterprises

    Author: Justyna Bogołębska, Jerzy Różański

    See Issue Contents: fins.2020.4


    The article presents preliminary research on the financial strategy of enterprises in the process of internationalization. Using the survey as a research method, 25 enterprises that export their products outside Poland were examined. The main hypothesis is that the economic crisis caused by the pandemic will not lead to a change in the significance of factors influencing the enterprises’ financial strategy, and in particular to the change in the relationship between internationalization and an enterprise’s financial strategy

  2. The dividend policy of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    Author: Justyna Bogołębska

    See Issue Contents: fins.2019.2


    Dividend policy is created and formulated by companies. For this reason, the focus of the analysis is on the message conveyed by the information on the dividend payout, the relationship between the dividend and financial indicators, the continuity of the payout and the amount of the dividend itself. Decisions on the dividend payment include two basic issues: what portion of profits should be paid out over a certain period of time and whether the company should maintain a steady and stable growth rate. If a steady and stable growth rate is maintained, then the level of earnings will increase from year to year. This phenomenon is confirmed by the growing number of companies paying dividends. The purpose of the article is to indicate significant differences in stock prices before the dividend payment and after the dividend payment, and to indicate significant differences in stock prices before the announcement of the dividend right and after the announcement of the dividend right

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